Gambling Lost All My Money

Posted By admin On 09/04/22
In aittle over a year I've managed to blow my savings. Right now I have $12 to my name. Im 26 and I moved back to live with my parents and took a job not related to my degree to try to save money. One day I played slots online and won 1,000. I could not believe my luck but by midnight I had lost it again and thus began my habit of chasing losses.

Tried to make the £15,000 worth of losses back through other gambling channels, football, horsebetting, continued to rack up losses which meant I have practically lost it all. A few months after I won, they introduced a rule where the winner could no longer play for 2 years. You should start by: Taking A Break. Maybe it is time to take a short break: Gambling must be a hobby, not a second job. You should re-think. Re-Adjusting Your Budget. If you keep saying “ I lost all my money at the casino ”, maybe you are not using the right. It should be obvious, but alcohol and drugs don’t mix well with gambling. Actually, that’s an understatement. You could get in serious financial trouble if you keep betting or playing poker/casino games under the influence. I’ve heard horror stories about people who have lost a little fortune because they couldn’t stop. It’s understandable to feel bad about losing that much cash. Nobody likes being a loser. Some people are sour losers and would feel bad even if there was no cash involved. I feel bad when losing in video games even.

15 months ago I had 15,000 saved. I've lost that and everything I've earned since. About 25,000 total. I had planned to go Europe and find work in my field and now I've lost it all. I just don't know what to do.

Lost All My Money Gambling Reddit

I've been chasing that original loss and every loss thereafter. I've had my opportunities. Yesterday I bet 300 and turned it into 1250. Of course I should have cashed out but I kept hitting spin until it was gone.

Lost All My Money Gambling

I just cannot accept or come to terms with the loss of all my money and with it all my dreams. I'm moody and nauseous and numb right now. Has anyone else had that problem with just not being able to move past the loss of money. Gambling
I apologise for the rambling I just don't what to do. I have no money left to gamble anyway but I'm afraid I will try to chase the loss again when I get paid next week. It feels like a bad dream and I would give anything to go back a few months.

Lost All My Money Gambling Online

Well, I just turned 19 this year last march, just old enough to go to the casino... Initially I had 7000$ in my savings account, that was when i just got laid off from work. so with 7000$ and no job, I decided to visit the casino with the thought of it as my income for the time being.... the game that I play is blackjack, i could say I have a good intuition when it comes to playing it, but the game leans slightly to chance. Anyway.. Some days I went I managed to get my money up to 9000$, it was the most money I've ever had in my life. I enjoyed the whole concept of playing a game to win big fast money, I got addicted to it... One day I had total bad luck playing, lost about 1000$ and couldn't bare it because of pride, and just couldn't accept that I lost. because there were times I'd lose big and still win it back and make more after that.... So the next day I went and played more, lost the 1000$ winnings and couldn't accept it.. Some of you might be thinking, well that's not too bad you still have your initial money and it's alot of money for a 19 yo teenager. But I just couldn't accept the lost because I believed in my gambling.. i went to play more 2 days after and lost 2000$.. Down to 5000$ with the thought of winning it back.. There were times I could've walked away with winning for that day but I wanted to win back the whole thing... In the end of the day I lose. this continued until today with only 20$ left in my savings.. I come from a struggling working family and i lost this kind of money that my parents dint even have... And they don't even know that I lost it all, and they don't even know that I gamble.. now I'm broke knowing the whole concept of fast casino money, when I think of normal jobs.. I think to myself, I could make 10 times or more in one hour than a normal job.. weeks of work I could manage to win in just 1 day.. I'm in the middle of accepting my situation but in the same time I just can't .... now I'm just thinking about somehow to earn some money and play some more, and maybe if I control myself when I win, I could manage this time.. I'm 19 and i know I'm still young, but in my mind I wanted to be set already, and I'm turning 20 soon... Currently very depressed, and don't feel like doing anything. I have no more money, and what's worse is that my credit card is maxed, I still haven't paid for this months interest rate.. And my phone bill.. I just want to get out of this situation