How To Check Visa Slots In Hyderabad
Posted By admin On 01/04/22- Visa Dates will be released once all available slots are over enough demand is created for remaining slots. First Consulate will open the slots after 10 am. Once all of them gets over they will release Slots from 9.45. This way in High demand time Visa Appointments can be at 7.45 am. Facts about US Visa Dates in Hyderabad 1) Hyderabad US.
- Can someone please tell me earliest available dates for h1-b stamping in Hyderabad? I am planning to go to stamping in October. Are there any open slots in October? I see no avialble dates in October 2016 at HYD location. As of now, I see from Nov 16th in Nov and December slots.
To get a US student Visa one needs to book an appointment at the USA Embassy.In order to get a visa interview appointment with American Consulate.One needs to pay Visa fee at selected branches of HDFC bank . After paying Visa fee you will get HDFC bank receipt which contains a barcode number. The barcode number will be activated after two working days of payment made.
To check if there are Visa Appointment Slots Available, follow these steps
Now go to VFS website, and click on “Click here for an estimate of current availability of visa interview appointments”.
Select the suitable options and fill in the Code as seen and Click on Continue.
It could help others predict the interview slot ava. Trackitt will load in a few seconds. Continue to Trackitt. US Consulate Visa Appointment Availability - INDIA.
If there are slots available the available slots a shown Green Color, or You would be shown a message, ( Image 2 )
If you need an emergency appointment, you need to take a Emergency Appointment slot.